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To start with, I love desserts and I was unapologetic about it. Every meal ended with a dessert. But in my defense, I worked out at least thrice a week, had a personal trainer & did yoga once a week. However, I was putting on weight and the weighing scale never was on my side. When Sohrab and Nonie told us about the 40 Day Challenge, I was curious to see if I could follow it. Deep down I thought I could never give up desserts, but to my surprise I haven’t touched any sweet for the last 40 days. The first 2 weeks was hard to give up on rice, wheat and desserts, especially because I was travelling a lot. But it slowly changed and became a part of me. I started consciously selecting my meal and understanding the ingredients. I worked out almost every day. I feel fit & healthy. I truly received a lot of motivation and support from the group, and most importantly Sohrab & Nonie. Thanks guys for helping us choose a better lifestyle!

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